Take a Stroll on the Spacious Grounds of Our Home
It is truly fitting that the Chosen of the Lord (us) end up with this large house built with the ill-gotten gains of those Wiccan sisters Holzapfel which goes to show you that if you pick the wrong god (like the Devil or Prince Victor Diamond) then our God is gonna kick ass and you will lose out!
Caleb leads the members in a round of the Arky Ark song
Living at the old Holzapfel place is like living in the park, quite beautiful. We have everything we could possibly need here, flora and fauna, hearth and home. Some of our favorite activities are worshiping the Lord, discussing the means of the Scriptures and Lisa Swayzak's words, discussing the worst events of the 20th century and building our ark in the backyard.
But life here is not all work, work. Caleb believes that a certain amount of leisure time must be enjoyed daily to stay in balance. So we play basketball, ping-pong and many other sports!
Doug and Kenneth enjoying a rousing round of Ping Pong