Doug Rates The Puddings
We asked Doug Doug, our resident pudding expert and gormand to rate the various flavors of puddings on a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being the highest rating possible. Everyone knows that Doug loves pudding, Cheez Its and Tomato Clam Surprise more than anything else! Doug said he didn't really care if the pudding was canned, homemade or that dry stuff from a box so we decided he would rate the flavors only, here are his preferences by flavor.
Flavor Rating and explanation
Chocolate 10+ There is no higher nirvana than chocolate
Tapioca 10+ Pearly grains of heaven
Lemon 10+ The sweet, the sour, the best
Coconut Cream 10+ Makes me feel fuzzy inside
Vanilla 10+ Like big fluffy clouds
Butterscotch 10+ Makes me think about warm baths and puppies
Banana 10+ Monkeys and Tarzan and Koresh, mmm good!
Well, that was real informative, NOT! Doug, just go back to playing "Garbage Man" or "Helter Skelter" on your guitar and stay out of the kitchen please!