The Ivy Vaughn Project
Ivy accompanies The Honorable Reverend Caleb Solar and Kenneth on their daily rounds
Ivy Vaughn will be the clean slate that we write our words, our divine destinies upon. We have allowed Ivy unrestricted access to our rites and daily routines so he can record the unvarnished truths of Gods plans for us and the Holiness of our ways.
Of course, Ivy will not be allowed the same good blessings of that we enjoy, he will not receive a fruit cut on the Ark of Salvation and he will not be allowed reproductive duties post-Quellish, (Let It Come!) until he sees the light and accepts the Sacred Truths of Caleb's Words, (Directly from God, they are!)
Ivy has been a video-photographer of many of the joyous occasions in Endsville, New York for the last nine years or so. From Bar Mitzvas to Birthday Parties to Weddings to Amateur Porno, Ivy has captured it all on video tape.