Our Children's Library
Post-Quellish (Let It Come!) we will have the need for many things to occupy the coming flock of off-spring. This is a list of approved children's reading materials that have been packed and placed around the Ark for Doug Doug and our children.
The Unabomber Pop-up Manifesto and Coloring Book
The Little Engine That Could, If Only That Damned Gout Would Go Away
Girls Are From Venus, Boys Are From Cootieland
The Little Big Book of Necrophelia
The J. Edgar Hoover Dress-Up Book
Joe Camel and The Magic Cancer Stick
The Crack House at Pooh Corner
The Dummy's Guide to Crying
Barney's Bleeding and Nobody Can Help
Where in the New York Area is Jimmy Hoffa
Furious George Delivers the Mail
Beauty and The Beast - A Study of the Stockholm Syndrome
Snow White - Princess or Slave in Midget Group Homosexual Living?
Jack and the Beanstalk - The Dangers of Drug Abuse
The Three Little Pigs - Moronism and Paranoia's Role in a Community
Cinderella - Exchanging One Cruel Master for Another
Sleeping Beauty - The Heartbreak of Narcolepsy
The Little Mermaid - Interspecies Dating and Why it Never Works
Goldilocks and the Three Bears - Why Weird Dietary Beliefs Can Harm You
The Pied Piper - How Loud Noises Can Hypnotize Weak Minds